Sorin Daringa scrie:Nu vreau sa fiu carcotas.Dar uite un ex despre cam ce contin niste bile de la un producator norvegian.
Important. This bait is more soft than normal boilies. We recommend hard hookbaits when fishing waters with other fish than carp.
Made with: Crushed tigernuts, milk powder, acid casein, rennet casein, vanilla extract, fruit extracts, crushed coconut, hemp, red eggfood, robin red (Haiths), nigerseeds, yellow birdfood, csl liquid, yeast, fermented maize protein, WPC, essential amino acids, vitamins, propolis, liquid coconut extract, tigernut extract, butyric acid, spices, Himalayan salt, natural sugars and fresh eggs. No artificial flavors added.
Este o explicatie cat de cat realista ca sa stie omul ce cumpara.Fraza asta cu"
Folosind ingrediente de cea mai inalta calitate" ar trebui data deoparte.
Spuneti fratilor ce contin bilele astea nu numai ce aroma au.